26: Living a zero waste lifestyle, sustainable events, and green business with Leslie VanKeuren Campbell


In honor of earth day approaching, in this week’s episode I speak with Leslie VanKeuren Campbell, Founder and Principal of Sustain LA, a company which offers a refill station, consulting for zero waste events, event rentals, and more zero waste services in Los Angeles. Leslie and I chat all about the zero waste lifestyle, what it means, and how to integrate it into your personal life and/or your business. There are a ton of useful tips and tricks in this episode as well!

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Leslie’s background and how sustainability went from personal to professional

  • How the zero waste has changed since she started her business 10 years ago

  • We why need to shift what we perceive as convenience 

  • How to minimize your impact on the planet

  • The upsides and downsides of instagram and the sustainability movement

  • The definition of zero waste and its history, including why the terms like low waste can be detrimental

  • What a circular versus linear economy is

  • What is the purchasing hierarchy and how to evaluate your purchases

  • Leslie’s advice for being zero waste with kids

  • How Sustain LA reduces waste in events

  • What the challenges are with bioplastics

  • Simple things businesses can do to become more green

  • How to lead by example in the zero waste movement

  • How we can hold companies accountable

Mentioned in this episode:

All the deets:

  • Check out Sustain LA’s services and get a calendar of their events and refill stations on the Sustain LA website

  • Follow along with Leslie at @sustain_la where she also shares where their refill stations will be (and she just announced she is opening and brick and mortar, stay tuned for the location!)— go say hi and tell her you listened to this episode!

  • Tag me (@saraweinreb) and Leslie on Instagram with your favorite takeaways from the episode!

Related episodes:

  • Episode 7: Sustainable living, global health, and building an impact-driven business with Megan Faletra

  • Episode 11: Simplifying, turning inwards, and finding clarity with Hilary Pearlson

  • Episode 15: Building a brand that sticks, celebrating women in food, and going green with Kerry Diamond

  • Episode 16: Grounded wellness, adapting through adaptogens, and living with curiosity and empathy with Lopa Van der Mersch

Listen on iTunes / Spotify / Google Play / Stitcher


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25: Inclusive wellness, optimistic skepticism, finding the right healing modality, and having fun with it all with Michelle Pellizzon of Holisticism