9: Life as a writer, the changing landscape of media, and spiritual rituals with Emma Loewe and Lindsay Kellner of mindbodygreen and The Spirit Almanac
Lindsay Kellner
Emma Loewe
I’m so excited to bring you today’s episode with Emma Loewe and Lindsay Kellner, co-authors of The Spirit Almanac. Emma and Lindsay connected as editors at mindbodygreen, where Emma serves as the sustainability editor, and Lindsay serves as a contributing wellness + beauty editor and the founder of the well aware podcast. In this episode we discussed being a full time writer, explored rituals and other practices from their new book, discussed the changing scene of media, and more.
We cover:
Emma and Lindsay’s backgrounds and how they got to where they are
The changing landscape of media from journalism to bloggers to influencers, and what it means as a consumer of information
Their beautiful book, the Spirit Almanac
How and why rituals work
Things they are loving in their respective niche
Here’s the meme Lindsay referenced:
All the deets:
Buy their book, The Spirit Almanac! It is one of the most beautiful books I have ever owned.
Say hi to Emma (@emmloewe) and Lindsay (@wellaware_) on Instagram, or follow their book (@spiritalmanac)
Read Emma and Lindsay’s articles on mindbodygreen
Catch up on previous episodes of Lindsay’s podcast, well aware, and look out for new episodes in January 2019!
Tag me (@saraweinreb) on Instagram with your favorite takeaways from the episode!
Listen on iTunes / Spotify / Google Play / Stitcher
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