35: Taking the pressure off your passions, rooting sustainability in nature, setting boundaries, and managing burnout with Rebecca Magee


This week’s episode is with my dear friend Rebecca Magee. Rebecca is a sustainability professional in the fashion industry, a facilitator, and a women's retreats host. She is deeply knowledgeable about sustainability in fashion and beyond, and I am constantly learning from her! This episode is a peek into our conversation in my home in Denver— our interests have evolved as has our friendship— and I am excited for you to learn from Rebecca as well.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • What it’s like when your passions change and how to flow with it

  • What it means to be a “light green” vs. “dark green” sustainability advocate

  • How to navigate feeling disconnected from yourself

  • How Rebecca got interested in the sustainability space

  • The lowdown on ethical and sustainable fashion

  • Protecting your passions instead of putting pressure on them

  • The difference between dreams and goals

  • The challenges of perfectionism and let down your barriers

  • How Rebecca realized she was experiencing burnout and what she did about it

  • Rebecca’s newest project

Mentioned in this episode:

All the deets:

  • Keep up to date with Rebecca’s future retreats and project launches by signing up for her newsletter

  • Follow along with Rebecca at @thisiwear on Instagram

  • Tag me (@saraweinreb) and Rebecca on Instagram with your favorite takeaways from the episode!

Listen on iTunes / Spotify / Google Play / Stitcher


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36: What you need to know about CBD, and what it's like to start a business in cannabis with Amy Duncan of Mowellens


34: Solo Episode: Moving to Colorado, my shifting thoughts on sustainability and wellness, and how my transition has evolved so far